Friday, November 22, 2019

Firefox extension : JIRA dashboard ticket export to CSV file

Firefox extension for JIRA - Export data as CSV

This Firefox extension will export data from a JIRA dashboard to CSV file.
This will be easy option for JIRA users to quicky copy the list of tickets to email or excel

This extension allow user to export active sprints tickets to a CSV file.

Update : Latest version export JIRA tickets from Active Sprints board and Backlogs .

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Release note: Version 1.2.0

This version include copy to clipboard feature. This will allow user to copy individual ticket details to clipboard from the backlogs.

Click on the Copy button next to summary in backlogs. Paste the copied details any where you want.

watch video

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

JavaScript: Onchange handler not trigger for dropdown using JavaScript

Lets say if you are trying to trigger onchange handler of a dropdown using javaScript or jQuery and if it is not working properly try the below code

var changeEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
changeEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

LinkedIn Jobs Chrome extension

The chrome extension scan each job in search results from linkedIn and export as csv file.
Price : $10 contact here