for easy coding and better error control. Please let me know your comments.
<?php class extendedPDO extends PDO{ private $arQuery = array(); /* Parameters same as original PDO::exec */ public function exec($statement){ if(!empty($statement)){ try{ $result = parent::exec($statement); if($result === FALSE)$this->triggerError(); }catch(PDOException $e){ $this->triggerError($e); } $this->arQuery[] = $statement; return $result; }else{ return FALSE; } } /* Parameters same as original PDO::query */ public function query($statement, $fetchMode = null, $objORClassnameORColNo = null, $ctorargs = null){ if(!empty($statement)){ try{ $this->stmt = parent::query($statement, $fetchMode, $objORClassnameORColNo, $ctorargs); $this->arQuery[] = $statement; if($this->stmt === FALSE)$this->triggerError(); }catch(PDOException $e){ $this->triggerError($e); } return $this->stmt; }else{ return FALSE; } } /* Function to return previously executed query @param - The index of the query. If none is provided, then last query is returned */ public function getQuery($idx = null){ if(empty($this->arQuery))return false; if(is_null($idx)){ $idx = count($this->arQuery) - 1; } return $this->arQuery[$idx]; } /* Function to retrieve existing row(s) from the database @param $tblName - DB Table Name @param $conditions - Condition for updation as associative array(eg. array('id' => )) @param $values - the value to be inserted as an associative array (eg. array('id' => 1, 'uid' => '007', 'name' => 'James Bond')) @param $limit - Number of rows to retrieve. If $limit is null, then all matching rows are retrieved. If $row is an array, say array( 50, 10) Then rows 50 - 60 will be returned. If limit is 1, then result is returned as an associative array */ function getRecord($tblName, $conditions, $limit = 1){ $whereSql = $this->_getWhereSQL($conditions); $limitSql = $this->_getLimitSQL($limit); $stmt = $this->query("SELECT * FROM $tblName $whereSql $limitSql"); if($stmt !== FALSE && $limit == 1){ return $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }else{ return $stmt; } } /* Function to insert a new row into the database @param $tblName - DB Table Name @param $values - the value to be inserted as an associative array (eg. array('id' => 1, 'uid' => '007', 'name' => 'James Bond')) */ public function insertRecord($tblName, $values) { $keys = array_keys($values); $fields = '(`' . implode('`, `', $keys) . '`)'; $values = '(' . implode(', ', array_map(array($this, 'quote'), $values)) . ")"; return $this->exec("INSERT INTO `$tblName` $fields VALUES $values"); } /* Function to update an existing row in the database @param $tblName - DB Table Name @param $conditions - Condition for updation as associative array(eg. array('id' => )) @param $values - the value to be inserted as an associative array (eg. array('id' => 1, 'uid' => '007', 'name' => 'James Bond')) @param $limit - Number of rows to update. If $limit is null, then all matching rows are updated. If $row is an array, say array( 50, 10) Then rows 50 - 60 will be updated */ public function updateRecord($tblName, $conditions, $values, $limit = 1) { $fields = $this->_getValues($values); $whereSql = $this->_getWhereSQL($conditions); $limitSql = $this->_getLimitSQL($limit); return $this->exec("UPDATE `$tblName` SET $fields $whereSql $limitSql"); } function triggerError($e = FALSE){ // Here do your error management procedures // You may sent a notification mail with the error details echo "<br/><b>Database Error:</b> "; if($e){ echo $e->getMessage(); }else{ $errorInfo = $this->errorInfo(); echo "[$errorInfo[1]] $errorInfo[2]"; } exit; } private function _getValues($values = null){ if(is_null($values)){ $values = ''; }elseif(is_array($values)){ $arField = array(); foreach($values as $field => $value){ $value = $this->quote($value); $arField[] = "`$field` = $value"; } $values = implode(', ', $arField); }else{ $values = ''; } return $values; } private function _getWhereSQL($condition){ //$condition = $this->_getCondition($condition); if(is_null($condition)){ $values = ''; }elseif(is_array($condition)){ $arField = array(); foreach($condition as $field => $value){ $value = $this->quote($value); $arField[] = "`$field` = $value"; } $condition = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $arField); }else{ $condition = ''; } return $condition; } private function _getLimitSQL($limit = null){ if(is_null($limit)){ $limit = ''; }elseif(is_array($limit)){ $limit = "LIMIT $limit[0], $limit[1]"; }else{ $limit = "LIMIT $limit"; } return $limit; } } ?> |
DB Schema
CREATE TABLE `test`.`weber_test` ( `id` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `author` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL , `price` VARCHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM |
example usage
<?php $dbType = 'mysql'; $dbHost = 'localhost'; $dbUser = 'root'; $dbPass = ''; $dbName = 'test'; $pdo = new extendedPDO("$dbType:host=$dbHost;port=4040;dbname=$dbName", $dbUser, $dbPass, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")); $pdo->insertRecord('weber_test', array('title' => 'Around the World in 80 Days', 'author' => 'Julie Verne', 'price' => '$90')); $id = $pdo->lastInsertId(); $pdo->updateRecord('weber_test', array('id' => $id), array('author' => 'Jules Verne', 'price' => '$' . mt_rand(0, 500) )); $record = $pdo->getRecord('weber_test', array('id' => $id)); print <<<HERE Inserted Data<br/> ID : $id<br/> Title : {$record['title']}<br/> Author : {$record['author']}<br/> Price : {$record['price']}<br/><br/> HERE; $stmt = $pdo->getRecord('weber_test', null, null); if($stmt){ echo '<table>'; $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); while($record = $stmt->fetch()){ echo "<tr><td>{$record['id']}</td><td>{$record['title']}</td><td>{$record['author']}</td><td>{$record['price']}</td></tr>"; } echo '</table>'; } ?> |
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